Education betboom review

Studying betboom review?

Please view the general information about credit evaluation for study betboom review trips.

If you are studying betboom review, it’s important to have your courses evaluated before you leave. The School of Communication can evaluate Communication and Journalism courses only. Please contact the transfer credit coordinators for courses outside of betboom review that you plan on taking.

Students must submit the following materials:

  1. Submit a detailed syllabus for each course being reviewed
    1. Include the name of the textbook, the author, a list of sections in the book covered, and a topic list breakdown if possible.
    2. We cannot evaluate a course based on a course description only

All materials should be emailed to the School of betboom review Transfer Credit Coordinator Jennifer Scott at The evaluation will be made within 7-10 business days of receipt of the syllabi. You will be emailed the decision to your OSU email account. NOTE: Materials submitted during week 1 and week 2 of the semester will be reviewed starting week 3 of the term. Decisions will be emailed 7-10 business days after that date. Course evaluations are not completed during appointments.