
What is it?

  • A shared research resource available to faculty and doctoral candidates working on their dissertation. 
  • Awardees get access to a demographically diverse participant pool to support online experiments via an opt-in online panel provider (Qualtrics Panels).
  • Awards are made twice a year, and participants are available year round.
  • This time-limited program betboom reviewis currently slated to run through December 2021.

Why do this?

  • The goal is to improve the quality of thesis, dissertations, and faculty research using experimental methods by providing a diverse, non-college student sample. This opportunity complements C-REP.  It does not replicate or replace the student pool, though it may reduce some of the pressure on C-REP to meet the School’s needs for experimental participants.
  • The program complements existing programs, such as TESS and ResearchMatch. TESS is a viable option for faculty, but it is finite and competitive: PhD students may have a particularly difficult time getting access.  Among faculty, the relatively high uncertainty associated with applying to TESS may dissuade some from applying.  ResearchMatch is a comparatively small pool (45K volunteers) shared by 85 institutions and thousands of researchers, and thus is not really comparable.   

For more detailed information, please sign into the Comm Research Carmen page to access program documentation, including application materials and policies documents.