Lisa Jerele

Lisa Jerele

Lisa Jerele

Lead Academic Advisor


3033 Derby Hall
154 N. Oval Mall
Columbus, Ohio 43210

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Lisa is the Lead Academic Advisor and Coordinator of Recruitment & Enrollment for the School of Communication. She is the undergraduate recruiter for the department and coordinates prospective student visits, recruitment events, and major information sessions for major-changing students. Lisa is the student athlete and journalism honors advisor for the School. She also serves on the Journalism Undergraduate Program committee and advises our journalism majors. Throughout the year, Lisa coordinates the COMM 4191 internship for credit program, as well as various undergraduate student data management initiatives. Lisa earned a Bachelor of Music and Master of Science in Education in Counseling from Youngstown State University. Lisa resides in Dublin with her husband, Jake, and their daughter, Zoey. When not on campus, you're likely to find Lisa at a rock concert or roaming a Disney park.